What is Faith-Based Horsemanship?

What is Faith-Based Horsemanship?


A faith-based horse trainer is a horse trainer who integrates their Christian faith into their approach to training horses. They believe that their faith provides a moral compass and a guide to treating horses with respect, kindness, and compassion. Their training methods are based on positive reinforcement and relationship-building, rather than harsh punishment or force. They believe that horses are intelligent, beings with feelings and personalities, and they treat them accordingly.

As a faith-based trainer I have a Christ centered love and respect for all created beings; specifically horses in this case. Treating horses with kindness, and compassion, and always putting their well-being first. Exhibiting patience and understanding during the learning process play a major role. I believe in allowing each horse his or her emotion space in which to grow and mature based on prove studies, and The Lord’s guidance.

Just as my life is built on faith, trust, and love so is my relationship with my horses. There is also an element of humility that is a crucial to understanding, and communicating with horses; as it is with God. We are not in control of them, but rather God is. I faithfully surrender to Him in the training process. My success as a trainer and equestrian is due to God’s grace, and guidance.

In essence, a faith-based horse trainer sees their work as a ministry, an opportunity to serve God and His creatures. I believe that my faith can make me a better trainer, more patient, more compassionate, and more effective in helping horses reach their full potential. I do this out of respect for a loving Father, and dedication to My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

With all my love in Christ Jesus,

Ride on!

Annie 🙂