Why I choose to be a member of several training sites
First of all, methodology can be a touchy subject for some people. Secondly, I don’t use “a” method. Instead I prefer to think of my walk with horses as connection, and communication. I broached this subject of “training” in a previous blog titled,”Is it a whip, a tool, or both”.
Though I have “trained” and worked with horses most of my life, and taught others, I still believe I can learn something new. In Fact, I feel it is important to always feel there is something new to be found. Often times we, as people, lose hope. Hope is an essential component to achieving anything.
So why do I keep memberships to different training programs? Because I still have hope. There is always neat to be learned from the experiences of others. Especially, those who so courageously share that knowledge.
Yes, there is a fee involved. Who cares. I certainly don’t. After all, I am totally capable of compensating someone for their time and effort. It takes a certain kind of courage to become so public. To be willing to share your skills with people you don’t even know deserves respect I think.
If I mention a particular program, site, book etc it is because I think highly of the material they present. There is no compensation whatsoever; nor do I with there to be. My heart nature is one of gratitude.
Whose method is best? There is not one better than another. I take bits and pieces of each, and I apply those pieces to make a whole that works for my current situation. Just because one individual does some this way or that way does not mean another person’s approach to the same situation isn’t applicable to you.
As I have mentioned in several posts, I am about the communication. Different approaches to the same material may have a negative impact on one individual versus another. Thus nullifying that information to the one is uncomfortable.
This seems to be true with my horses. One approach may not be understandable to one horse, but it is to another. Having many tools in your belt can make the difference between a calm, connected horse, and a down right spaz!
In conclusion, search out the people you like. Look for the communities that are encouraging and supportive. Be allergic to negativity. Be willing to explore new things. After all it’s a journey, and heart walk…right!
I wish ya’ll the best, and may the Lord Bless you along the way!-Annie 🙂